About Us

Our Mission

Penoaks Publishing was founded by two independent artists, an author and a programmer, who believe very strongly in one thing: Indie books should look as good as those put out by traditional publishers. We at Penoaks love the independent publishing revolution, and we believe indie authors should be proud of their work and show it by giving their book the treatment it deserves. Each independently published book should look beautiful in every detail so that readers are impressed and inspired from cover to cover.

Penoaks Publishing specializes in interior formatting, cover design, and professional editing for both print and ebooks. We at Penoaks noticed that interior design was not only an often-overlooked aspect of indie publishing, but also that many freelance layout designers, editors, and cover artists charged exorbitant prices. We believe that independent publishing is not only about being free from restrictive corporations, but also about being free from restrictive corporate pricing. Therefore, the goal of Penoaks Publishing is to produce quality work for reasonable prices.

Why do we do what we do? Because we love independent authors almost as much as we love books. Almost.

Our Team

Amelia Greene is the technological brains behind the company. She uses her wizardly computer skills to make sure our ebook conversion is error-free and our formatting processes are fast and efficient. She also keeps the website running and looking beautiful with her talent for graphic design. Most of the beautiful covers featured on this website are also her creation.

David "Anthony" Scott is the loving, helpful, cheerleader that keeps Amelia's ADHD in check since 2022. He might not do very much around here, but he has his head on straight and helps overcome those mental road blocks.

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